Number Gossip
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Unique Properties of 69
- 69 is the smallest strobogrammatic number which is not a palindrome
- 69 is the largest number out of two (the other being 63) such that the common alphabetical value of its Roman representation is equal to itself (LXIX - 12+24+9+24=69)
- 10069 - 69 is prime: note that 69 is the smallest number with this property
- 69 has the interesting property of being the only number whose square and cube together contain each of the ten digits once: 692 = 4761 and 693 = 328509
- 69 is the largest number whose factorial is less than 10^100 (69! ≈ 1.71x10^98)
- 69 is the smallest number besides 1 whose sum of divisors equals its reversal (96 = 1 + 3 + 23 + 69)
- 69 is the smallest number whose square (4761) is the concatenation of two multi-digit primes